Don't know what they are, yet. I think the first one may be a type of kalanchoe? Will have to try and find out. The second one reminds me of some type of alien plant form. They're both cool...whatever they are. I need to repot them, fast. I also found this fuzzy hen and chicks to add to my collection. I hadn't seen this type before ($4 because of the cute planter).

While yard saleing I also picked up a basket for the stairs ($1.50), 3 vintage canning jars with zinc lids ($1 each), 2 modern pint canning jars ($.50 each), An apple peeler/corer/slicer ($1) and a few other things not worth mentioning.
This morning (Sunday) we ran out to Renton to pick these up.

I had been watching Craigslist for a pair in my size. They are like new and I got them for $50. My feet have champagne taste on a peanut butter budget. They would've cost me about $125 new by the time I paid sales tax. Now to try and find a brown pair and I'll be all set for the fall and winter. Just have to get busy and knit myself more socks. On the way back from Renton we stopped at the Farmers' Market (in South Tacoma) and I bought some herbs and veggie starts for the garden. I love that this farm uses all heirloom seeds and nothing but organic compost as fertilizer. She rocks!

I bought some sorrel, which I've never used before but it sure is pretty. Will need to investigate how to use it for cooking. I also bought some rosemary, more chard (because I love it!), and some pickling cucumbers because the slugs ate the ones I planted ($11.50 but I don't mind. I want to support our local organic farmers).
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