This is a close-up of what's growing inside the bin. Here are a couple of little mushrooms, a couple of good sized (albeit dead) slugs and an opportunistic potato. Sadly, I had spread slug poison on top of this pile, before I got the chickens. I was a bit freaked out the last time I opened the bin and saw how many large slugs were in there. I decided to sprinkle the poison and kill off the slugs before they could add to the population. Now that I know how much chickens LOVE slugs I am regretting that decision. I will wait until the poison is well buried before harvesting hen treats from the bin. Don't want to poison the girls.

And here is another bin resident who is taking full advantage of all those flies. Sorry for the poor photo and the fact this subject is being shy. You should be able to almost make out the well fed spider up near the left corner.

And here is the current batch of compostable material. It consists mainly of grass clippings, cardboard, newspaper, pine shavings, and chicken poop. There are other various and sundry compostable materials in there, as well.

The pile is big enough that I am going to mix it up, wet it down, and add it to the compost bin. Here it is all mixed, moistened and ready to go.

And here it has been added to the bin. I decided to move the cardboard triangles to the back so they'd be out of the way (more on those later. Betcha can't guess what they are for).

The mixing area is all clean and ready for me to start another batch.

Love the blog...but what are the triangles for?
I'll tell you all about those triangles in an upcoming blog post. Maybe tomorrow.
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