I had a productive day. I found another bargain on Craigslist. I have been hunting for a good deal on a food processor and found this one advertised in a garage sale listing. The seller sent me
this link and a picture of the actual machine. The machine looked similar to the one in the link, but not exactly. Not a huge deal. She must know what she has, right? And if she says it's a 70610 that retails for between $30 and $50, well, I take her word for it. She was asking $20 and I agreed to give her the asking price if they could deliver it, as I don't have much spare time to run around. It will save me at least $5 in gas, and an hour's time, round trip, to the yard sale in Graham. They agreed and dropped the machine by this morning. In perfect condition with all parts present and accounted for. The first thing I did was look for the model number. It was not a 70610. It's a
70590. Which is much better. They retail for about $100. It reminds me of R2D2, so that's what I'll call it.

Tomorrow I'll test it out by making some more pesto. Oh, and the little chicks went to a new home today. They now reside in Eatonville. I made sure the new owner is responsible and will take good care of them. It was really difficult to give them up, but it's for the best. Reggie has been moping and crying ever since he figured out they are missing. He keeps searching the yard for them. I hope he doesn't hold a grudge.
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