My poor, poor husband. Just when he thought he could sleep in. I found a small chicken house, just the right size for a bantam rooster and 3 hens. I made an offer, which was accepted, and this morning we were off to Orting to collect the coop. The hubby's Subaru is turning out to be quite the chicken house hauler. First it was the tractor for the 3 big girls, and now this.

And here it is, safely tucked away in my backyard. The seller was a really nice lady who also threw in some linoleum she had laying around. I can put some of that down in the tractor's coop, making it much easier to clean.

Now to find an inexpensive chain link dog run and I'll be ready to add more chickens to the family. Tuesday afternoon I was supposed to go pick up some spaghetti squash starts that I found on Craigslist. When I got to the home at the agreed upon time, no one was there. They later emailed that they had run errands which took longer than expected, but would I please try again. I did, this afternoon, and they were so lovely. Not only did I get 3 squash plants for me, and 6 for my friend, Kristine, but the couple also gave me a bunch more plants. There are a couple of types of basil, some kale, lettuce, and a few things that I'm not sure what they are. It'll be a surprise.

Now, if I could just find a food mill, things would be fabulous. Not having much luck with that, yet.
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