Made you look. Well they are running around naked. Did I forget to mention they are "chicken" girls? Yes, the girls are being naughty, today. Really,
REALLY naughty. I always line their coop with double layered newspaper, topped with pine shavings. The newspaper makes it easier to clean up their droppings in the morning. All I do is roll up the paper and toss it on the compost pile. But today, for some odd reason (that only a chicken brain can know) they decided to pull the paper out into the run....and shred the heck out of it. Okay, maybe they were bored. I figured they had it out of their systems. I re papered the coop, tossed down more shavings, and before you could shout "girls gone wild" they'd pulled
THAT paper out. Now I'm starting to get pissed. They are messing up my whole tidy plan...and being wasteful, to boot. Here they are, posing for their mug shots. Don't they look guilty as hell? Click on the picture, to enlarge it, for the full effect.
Reggie thinks he knows why they are behind bars.
I am trying something new. Placing rocks on the edges of the paper.
I'll let you know if I'm successful in breaking them of this new bad habit.
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