The lead glass one was $4. But it is lovely.

Next on the list? Curtains for my bathroom. I found these cotton valances with crocheted trim. Now I just have to put up a curtain rod. These cost me $.98.

I was also on the prowl for cheap T-shirts for a project I want to do. They need to be colorful, and the bigger, the better. I found all these for $7.

I also found some knit fabric that should work for my purpose. All this for $4.

I managed to come home with a few things that weren't on my list. Here's a wrought iron wine rack and 2 pottery candlesticks. The wine rack was $1.99, the candle holders were $1 for the pair.

I was on the fence about getting the candle holders until I held them in my hands. Very ergonomic. They'll come in handy during a power outage as they are comfortable to carry around.

Another bargain was this set of 4 Williams-Sonoma cotton place mats. The regular retail was $10 each. I paid $1.98 for the set.

And here is another red neck coffee roaster. This one even has all its parts and isn't broken. For $3.99 (another thrift store had the same model for $7.99. They must be catching on to their worth).

Lastly we have this nice coffee pumper. This was $1.99. I'll use it at the yarn shop.

I visited a total of 3 thrift stores and spent less than $35. Not a bad price for some relaxing therapy, complete with bargains.
O my gosh I love thrift stores. I am surprised I haven't run into you. I am addicted to them.
I try not to indulge too often. I need to get stuff OUT of the house...not bring it back in. But at least I am now only bringing back useful items. Thrift stores and yard sales are my serious weakness. Can't wait for yard sale season.
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