I rarely get a day off, besides my usual Sunday & Monday. But today's winter snow storm gave me a real treat. A snow day! And I have been enjoying the heck out of it. Time to do some of those little chores that never get accomplished. Like cleaning out the kitchen junk drawer. The one you can hardly open because it's so packed full of clutter. I bet most of us have one. Today I sorted through mine, threw out 65% of what was in there, and now I can open the drawer, and even find what I'm searching for. What else did I get done? Well I finally gave away that broken "heater that looks like a wood stove". It has been taking up space in the basement for over a year, waiting for the husbeast to decide what he wanted to do with it. I finally realized what he wanted to do was leave it down in the basement forever. So I put it on Craigslist and now it is someone else's problem. I need the basement to store...wine! Speaking of which, I moved my wine and racks down there today, and have an instant wine cellar.

I better find more wine racks, quick, as I also started another 6 gallons of wine. This time it's Cranberry Chianti.

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