The husbeast whisked me away to Moclips, WA, for a Valentine's Overnighter. A mini-vacation. An evening of peace and quiet, away from work, the house, kids, pets...all of that. We set off Monday morning and stopped at our usual place, the Coffee Coop in Elma, for an espresso. The Coffee Coop is just across the parking lot from Elma's famous restaurant, the Rusty Tractor. So named because the parking lot is filled with the rusty things. That's part of the charm. As is this exterior wall covered with jello molds.

The neon rooster is perched atop the roof. With a sufficient dose of caffeine it was back on the road and off to the ocean. Where it was storming like crazy. Which is why there aren't many pictures. I don't think my camera is waterproof. I did manage this one shot during a break in the downpour.

I love the ocean, no matter what the weather. We had a nice lunch at the Ocean Crest Resort and then dined on lobster & rib eyes at Lake Quinalt Lodge for dinner. The Mr. did manage a nice nap, mid day, while I relaxed and read through my wine making literature. Time to sit and read is a luxury I do not often enjoy. And I learned a lot about how to improve my wine making technique.
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