Afterwards I placed them into the Mr. Wine along with the juice, crushed campden tablet, yeast nutrient, acid blend and pectic enzyme. I added enough water to make a gallon. Now I'll let it set for 24 hours before stirring it well and pitching the yeast.

This afternoon the mail lady brought me a few goodies. I got that cool wine rack I'd ordered through Amazon.com as well as this bee video from a local guy who runs a web site with an online bee forum, World of Beekeeping. He sells the video for $39.99 but had a special for the folks on the forum so I got it for $19.99. I learn better by "seeing" so can't wait to watch. Some things you just can't get from a book.

I also received this nice fabric that features a wine label print. I traded 1# of cotton spinning fiber for 5 yards of this fabric. I don't know what I'll make with it. Maybe some knitting needle cases?

Sorry I am not more talkative. My two youngest children are doing really stupid things and giving me fits. I feel more gray hairs coming on.
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