Monday, May 6, 2013

2013 Chicago Pipe Show

My husband and I just got back from attending the Chicagoland International Pipe & Tobacciana Show which was held at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. This was our 4th time attending and we had a lovely time, as usual. Pipe smokers attend from all over the world. It was nice to see old friends and to meet new ones. My main goal this year was to buy some decent tobacco, namely my beloved Kingfisher. I did manage to scoop up 3 tins of Kingfisher which was no easy feat as it is no longer imported into the US and it is rather hard to come by. Here are the tobaccos I bought to add to my stash.

From Cornell & Diehl I bought 2 tins of Sunday Picnic, and one tin each of Autumn Evening and Exhausted Rooster. From Iwan Ries I bought 3 big tins of Orlik Golden Sliced and a tin of the new Frog Morton, mainly because it has bits of oak from whiskey barrels in it. I found that rather fascinating. That wasn't all the tobacco I brought back, though. These were free, my favorite price.

4 tins were gifts from friends, and the 2 Sutliff blends and the stuff in the baggie were samples from vendors. Now my tobacco pantry is nicely restocked. That wasn't all the swag I brought back. I bought these cool playing cards which feature all different kinds and shapes of pipes.

This T-shirt was free from They were extremely generous this year, giving away both mens and womens t-shirts in all different sizes, as well as posters and pins. I need to go tell them thank you.

I also participated in the silent auction because, well, I love auctions. I won 2 pipes. This little meerschaum pipe had to be mine because it is the spitting image of my husband. If he wore grapes on his head. You didn't know I am married to Bacchus, did you?

Here's a close up shot without a flash, to show detail.

I also fell in love with this little stylized volcano. I thought it was a very feminine looking pipe with the rounded scallops on the top of the bowl and the shank.

I am already trying to talk the husband into returning next year. It is the type of vacation I truly enjoy, even though I really dislike flying.

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