Sunday, January 20, 2013

Guess What I'm Good At?

Basting! I finished all 24 pieces by 10:30 this morning.

I happened to have this spool of vintage silk thread in my stash. It went through the fabric like buttah.

It was just barely enough to finish basting this project. Now the spool is empty. I'll have to be on the lookout for more old silk thread. I think of adding the underlining as a marriage between the two fabrics. When they are pinned (before cutting the fashion fabric) they are meeting and getting to know each other. Once the fashion fabric is cut and you steam the 2 sides of the fabrics they get much closer and are now engaged (you definitely need glass head pins. Yes, the plastic ones really do melt). Once they are basted together they become wed. The two become one, so to speak. Next step? Basting the dress together for my final fitting. I hope to have it all basted together today so Rick can help me fit it tomorrow.

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