Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Working The Bee Booth

   Today I volunteered to help man the bee booth at the Puyallup Fair (the young lady with the sash is the American Honey Princess). Yes, I got to hang out with royalty. It was my first time working the bee booth  so I was a little nervous. As volunteers, we got to park in the Silver Lot (employees) for FREE. It was located a bit far from the fairgrounds but there is a shuttle that runs every 15 minutes or so. The shuttle dropped us off at the Red Gate which is not far from the Agriculture building where the bee booth is located. We were right next to the giant pumpkins.

   The people who stopped to ask questions at the booth were very curious about bees. I especially enjoyed the children. We had a selection of rubber stamps they could choose from and we stamped their hands or arms. They loved this. There was also a bee painting with the face cut out so they could take their picture. Even the adults took advantage of that opportunity.

   There were 2 observation hives, one at either end of the long table. Can you spy the queen? She has a white spot on her back.

   Behind the table was a wall full of bee infomation including pictures of the different larval stages. If you are ever at either the Spring Fair or the Puyallup Fair, and are curious about bees, stop by the booth. We are always happy to help inform the public about the wonderful honey bees.

   You can also see all the entries that local beekeepers submitted for judging. These are just a few. Most of my photos came out rather dark.

   I had a great time which is saying something since I am not overly fond of crowds. I will definitely sign up again next year.

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