Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fixing Up The Homestead

Today my husbeast installed a new storm/screen door. He did a lovely job. We won't mention how many years I've been asking for one (mumble....4....mumble). The dog and cat are a little freaked out by it, but they'll adjust.

The husbeast has been very busy. Look at how nicely he patched our disintegrated step. Now I don't have to worry about breaking my neck on it.

It feels good to be able to cross some things off the "honey do" list. This week has been especially busy. Yesterday I made and canned another batch of applesauce.

That brings the total to 10 quarts and 3 pints. I think I'm done with applesauce for this year. I have a small amount of apples left for making some crisps. Maybe even some raspberry apple wine. We'll see how energetic I feel. My extractor arrived yesterday but I haven't unpacked it yet. I'll probably have to cut it out of the box. It's pretty heavy. I plan on extracting my honey either Thursday or Friday. The weather is supposed to cooperate and be in the 90's. Meanwhile the bees continue to do their thing. The catnip is blooming in my backyard and the bees are all over it.

They have been bringing in pollen like crazy. I hope they've been gathering nectar, too, and there will be plenty of honey for me.

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