Yesterday I finished the second of the April blocks. The original course block featured just a sun. I found that too boring and added a flower. How appropriate for our sunny spring weather. The ladies in my knitting group suggested the half-hex leaf. Love it. There is only one machine stitched seam in this block, where the grass meets the sky. Everything else is hand sewn.
I also went back and added some tumbling hexagons to the first April block. I couldn't tolerate all that bare space.
Here are all my blocks so far. I can't wait to see what the May blocks will be.
Now to get busy practicing machine quilting. Singha's quilt will be my guinea pig. Craftsy is also offering me 50% off the advanced machine quilting course. I may have to jump on that.
I love your blocks. you have been a busy lady
ReplyDeleteThanks Robin. I am having a lot of fun with my quilting.
ReplyDeleteRoxi, there's the cutest little stuffed goat on shopgoodwill Tacoma auction. I am really tempted to get it for you - but it's a GOAT with real (I think) wool.