Saturday, July 23, 2011

Garage Sale Treasures 7-22-11

I've been unusually quiet this week. My dog-boy, Reggie, had to go in for some dental work this past Tuesday. While he was sedated the vet discovered he had infections in both ears caused by the groomer not cleaning them properly. And to top it off, even though they used a small cat trach tube on him, it was still too large and caused him to experience terrible throat irritation. Poor little guy has been rather rough around the edges since then but he is all better now. He hates the oral antibiotic but doesn't seem to mind the ear wash or ear ointment.

Yes, it's been a bit of a stressful week. Time for one of my favorite destressers...garage sales! I was short on time (and money, after the vet took most of it) but managed to hit 5 sales and found useful items at 4 of them.

A meat grinder. This one is good quality and has all
the blades and sausage tubes included. It will come in
handy during the apocalypse for make zombie sausage.

A large clay plant pot. I have a house
plant in desperate need of a larger home.

Four jam jars for canning. I have
a freezer full of raspberries to process.
$1 for all

A cotton throw rug that looks brand new.

A large hamper style basket with lid.

And my favorite find of the day,
a hippie style top. So cute! And it fits.

All that for a grand total of $8.75. If purchased at regular retail prices it would be well over $100 (plus tax).

ETA: I knew I was forgetting something. I also got this ceramic dog dish to hold water. Singha drinks from this shared bowl and he can't have plastic due to an allergy. The bowl was free. I love free. Especially when these same bowls are selling for $8 at Petco.

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