Saturday, July 24, 2010
Poo Stew
This is my first year going 100% natural in the garden. No pesticides or non-organic fertilizers. The fertilizer part has posed a bit of a problem, as I do not have my soil in good condition. I have a couple of compost bins going, but that end product won't be ready until next year. I have a Can-O-Worms worm bin with a pretty good colony established. They aren't really fast eaters but they do eventually produce some lovely rich castings. I also bought a gallon of Alaskan fish fertilizer and located a couple of local folks who raise rabbits but don't need their byproduct. I have a limited amount of worm castings. Instead of digging it into the garden I've been making worm tea and pouring it on the plants. I had been spreading the rabbit manure on top of the garden but my little dog thinks it's treats. Yesterday I got the bright(?) idea to combine all 3, the castings, manure, and fish emulsion, to make one super duper liquid fertilizer. I got 2 of my large buckets. To each I added 1 cup castings, a goodly amount of rabbit stuff, and a couple glugs of fish fertilizer. I filled the buckets with water and let them steep all day. Last night I stirred the buckets well and poured about 4 cups of the mixture into a watering can. Then filled the can with water and commenced to watering all of the garden's residents. I swear, this stuff worked immediately. The plants seem to love it. And my little dog leaves it alone. The only drawback is the horrendous smell. Fish fertilizer is some nasty stuff.
Commenting on my own post. LOL But I wanted to point out something that a friend brought to my attention. If you use a fish fertilizer...your yard will smell like a rotten fish, and just might attract an unwelcome visitor. A raccoon, for instance. I don't want to put out the welcome mat for a raccooon, so I will no longer add fish fertilizer to the poo stew.