Friday, June 11, 2010

Still More Jars.

I was fortunate to be the recipient of some canning jars, today, thanks to a fellow freecycler. I'm starting to amass quite a collection. So far only one jelly jar, though. I'll probably have to buy a case or two of those. Here is what I drug home this afternoon.

Next step is ordering some of the Tattler reusable canning jar lids.
More acquisitions of the day, this mandoline and meat slicer. Bought them both off Craigslist for $20. The slicer is missing the guard/pusher, but I think I can rig something up fairly easily. This particular mandoline didn't get very good reviews on some of the web sites, but then again some folks loved it. The previous owner couldn't figure out how to work it. We'll see if I have better luck. I need to be able to slice things to a uniform thickness for dehydrating.

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