Friday, May 21, 2010

Soggy Week

We are having an unusually cold spring here in Tacoma, WA. Usually we are able to shut the heaters off by mid-April. But its been so cold. I had the heater running the past couple of days, and its almost June. I'm starting to feel I'll never get my garden planted. It's been quite frustrating. Not to mention that this rain is putting a real damper on my garage saleing. I did manage to find a couple, though. This first one was held on Thursday in a building out near Hwy 512 and Pacific. It was billed as a multi-family garage sale but I think it was actually folks who used to have stalls in an antique mall. The giveaway was that they charged sales tax. They also had their goods displayed in neat little booths, just like at any antique mall. Oh well, a bargain's a bargain. I left $6.75 (plus tax) with them and brought home these treasures:

6 canning jars ($4)

Pottery pitcher and plant pot ($2.50 for both)

Debbie Bliss Book 3 (knitting patterns, $.10)

A small tupperware storage container ($.15)

This morning I had to run to the grocery store and stumbled upon a garage sale where the sales lady shared my penchant for hand thrown pottery. She was moving and had these up for grabs:

Colander ($2)

Garlic Keeper ($2)

Small pitcher ($2)

Even smaller pitcher ($.50)

It is hard to tell proportions from the individual photos. Here are the pitchers displayed in my kitchen window. That last little one was brought over from France by the previous owner.

I almost forgot to report on the "no poo" experiment. The jury is still out. It is day 3 and I am still in the adjustment phase. My hair feels a little odd, to me. Kind of stringy/oily. But no one else seems to notice. I'm going to continue and will report back soon. I also have to let you know that I tried cleaning the bathtub and sink with baking soda and it worked really well. I was surprised.

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