Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Photos Of Winlock Property: Living Room

One feature this home lacks is a dining room. This is fine since we do not entertain much. We don't have a dining room in our current home, either. In both homes the living room is large enough to also hold our dining table.

Looking into the living room from the kitchen.

The right half of the living room. The kitchen is
straight ahead. The vestibule door is located to the
right. The arched doorway, to the left, leads to the
master bedroom and both bathrooms. The corner,
to the right of the kitchen door, is where I plan
to put my dining table. It isn't very big.

The second half of the living room. There is a built
in bookcase next to the door to my sewing room.

This is the corner where the propane stove will go.
We'll be able to vent it out through the wall.

Looking into the sewing room.

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