Monday, January 21, 2013

Skirt Nearly Finished.

Do you know what takes almost as long as hand basting a dress together? Removing 3 sets of basting stitches after you've finally machine sewn the seams. Especially when you are trying to be accurate and follow the basted seam lines with your stitching. The basting was a booger to remove. Here is the skirt portion of the dress.

Couture sewing is to regular home sewing what Julia Child is to Betty Crocker. Today I sewed the vertical seams, removed all the basting stitches from them, trimmed and pressed them, then catch stitched them to the underlining.

This method of sewing is very time consuming, which is why I doubt I will complete the dress in time to wear it this coming Saturday. It took most of today to get the skirt ready. Now to attack the midriff, then the bodice. There are a lot of seams in this dress. I will need to make a couple of small alterations based on today's fitting. I must have mutant shoulders because I need to take about an inch out of the shoulder seams at the neck edge.  I also need to angle the sleeve darts upwards about 1/4". That's all for today. Back I go.

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