Saturday, January 19, 2013

Point Of No Return

Well, I did it. The fabric has been pinned and cut. Here it is all laid out on my nice, clean kitchen floor. That's one way to get me to mop.

Today was the perfect opportunity for this job. My husband is working this weekend and my little dog was napping on my bed. No distractions. I did have one helper, though. He thinks he's helping. 

It should be fairly smooth sailing from here. There will be a lot of hand sewing but it should go pretty fast. At least now the fabric will be in manageable pieces. Today I visited JoAnn's to use my two 50% off coupons before they expired. I bought myself a bolt of 90" wide by 10 yards of un-dyed muslin. Regular price would be $60. 

I used the other coupon to buy this bottle of sewing machine oil with a telescoping point. Last month I sent my husband on a mission to find an oiler that could get way down inside my sewing machines. He looked all over at hardware stores and finally found one called a precision oiler. It was pricey, too. Who knew they had what I needed at JoAnn's? They must've just recently started stocking them.

I also got some of the quilting pins that my instructor uses in this course. She swears by them for matching stripes and plaids. I want to match the stripes up the side of my dress. ALL quilting notions are currently 50% off at JoAnn's, in case you need to run and grab anything.

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