Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Classier Pattern Weights

No sewing yet. I decided to take a break and try to weed out some more clutter from the sewing room. I was making progress until a local gal made an offer that was too good to resist. I am now the happy owner of a full set of vintage June Tailor pattern weights. I paid $8 for the set. The same set, in poor condition recently sold on eBay for $29.99. Now I won't have to use my table knives to hold down patterns.

I also scored this giant spool of quilting thread for $2 (it sells for over $20) and 25 assorted zippers for $10. 

I really love the pattern weights and can't wait to use them.


  1. Cute pattern weights - they are a lot nicer than my tins of tuna, LOL.

  2. I had never heard of them until they popped up on a Facebook craft trading list. I love them so much I am going to sew a padded case for then, to keep them nice. :-)
