Sunday, August 19, 2012

Playful Hummingbirds

Late this afternoon I was sitting out on my back porch, eating ice cream, with Reggie by my side. We were sitting at the top of the stairs looking out over the yard and garden. Reggie was closest to the wrought iron railing. I was gazing down at the bee bath watching a little bee take a drink of water, when all of a  sudden

 I heard the familiar click-click-click of hummingbirds. There were at least 4 of them, chasing each other through the trees. Suddenly one of them swooped down and hovered less than a foot from Reggie's face. Reggie chases birds. He is always trying to catch the sparrows and chickadees. He's even tried to climb the apple tree after them. I fully expected him to start barking his head off but he sat stock still and didn't make a peep. He just stared back at the hummingbird staring at him. I went to get my camera and caught these photos of the playful birds.

They were flying all over the yard, sampling the blossoms as well as the feeders. They had some morning glory, some catnip, and they even managed to spot this incredibly late branch of apple blossoms.

I swear I could sit out in my backyard and be entertained for hours. My garden is finally starting to bear fruit. So far I have harvested 3 juicy ripe tomatoes and I am starting to get enough beans to do something with.

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