Sunday, June 3, 2012

Painting Hive Boxes

I'm getting ready to split my hive. First things first. I need to prep more boxes. Since I am not overly strong, I stick with 8 frame 6 5/8" boxes. When those 10 frame 9 5/8" "deep" boxes are full of bees and honey, they are really heavy. I need to be able to lift and manipulate the boxes without giving myself a hernia. Here I have mowed my lawn and laid out a plastic tarp in preparation for painting.

And this is after I have applied primer to all 10 boxes, the bottom board, telescoping lid, and the 2 new fancy top feeders I bought the girls. The husbeast helped me out by assembling all the boxes so I could paint them.

I hope to get at least one good coat of paint on everything this afternoon. It's supposed to rain the next couple of days and I am playing "Beat the Clock" as it is. I'm afraid my bees are getting too crowded and may soon leave for roomier quarters.

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