Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chunky Chevron Quilt Block

This block features a mix of half square triangles and solid squares. I love the vintage children's illustrations featured on the red fabric. I decided to fussy cut the blocks to better show off the artwork. This block also features a drawn line technique for making your finished half triangle blocks. You draw a diagonal line on your background block and layer it with a print block, right sides together. Then you sew a scant 1/4" seam down each side of that line. The instructor showed how to save time if you have a quilting foot that sews a 1/4" seam on either side of the foot. Guess what my old treadle machine has? Another reason she is the perfect quilt piecing machine. You can string piece your blocks, one right after the other, sewing on the right side of the line....then bring the first block around and sew all the blocks on the left side of the line. You'll end up with a ring of blocks.

I know it's difficult to see the lines in my pictures. I used a blue quilting pencil. You don't have to worry about the marks showing through because they will be hidden in the seams. Once your blocks are all sewn you cut them apart and then slash each of them down that same drawn line. Each sewn block will yield 2 triangle blocks. Once they are pressed the blocks are trimmed down to 3.5" squares.

Time to assemble the puzzle. 

Sew the squares together into rows, followed by sewing the rows together. Finish by squaring up the completed block. Here is the block's backside.

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