Thursday, February 2, 2012

Turning Yarn Into Fabric

My dilemma? I find myself with a mountain of yarn and no desire to knit. Wouldn't it be great if I could magically turn all that yarn into fabric? That is what I have been trying to accomplish. It's not happening overnight and takes a bit of effort, but I have managed to find quite a few folks with mountains of fabric who wish to turn it into yarn. First on Ravelry, but that costs quite a bit in postage. Not to mention the risk you take whenever mailing things. The USPS managed to lose (as in vanished into thin air) a box filled with $150 of high end yarn. I'm pretty sure a postal employee, somewhere, is happily knitting away. I'd rather not have to mail things unless absolutely necessary. Thanks to Craigslist I managed to find 2 local ladies, with huge fabric stashes, who are happy to barter. One came to visit yesterday and we traded toys. I received this big stack of fabric.

True, it's not as much fun as visiting the fabric store and being able to choose from 1000's of bolts, but I'd rather have fabric to sew than yarn I will never knit. Here are details of the new fabrics. Most are yardage (a couple of 5 yd pieces) but there are also some fat quarters and panels.

I am not a fan of pre-stamped quilt panels but I had to have these. Especially the vintage sewing machine prints.

I certainly didn't need another quilting book but I had to get this one. The title lured me in. Bees?

I think I have another lady coming to visit this weekend. Slowly but surely that yarn is turning into fabric.

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