Monday, January 2, 2012

Second Project Completed

The set of mats are done. I finished hemming them last night. I still need to wash them but thought it best to snap this photo before doing so, in case they fall apart.

I am fighting the urge to run out and buy more of this same yarn, to try again. I'd love to be able to correctly estimate warp but I'm not sure I can stand to weave the same project, back to back.

I bottled my first kombucha of the new year. This is strawberry booch, using frozen strawberries from my garden. The fruit is added during a secondary ferment. This is my favorite method for brewing kombucha. You remove the scoby after the first ferment, add the fruit and a little more sugar, then let it ferment once more. It will form a new scoby on top of the fruit bits.

That is my signal that it's ready for bottling. I bottle with a little more priming sugar and I have the tastiest booch in Tacoma.

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