Friday, November 11, 2011

My First Weaving Is Off The Loom

It's always been my habit to learn just enough to be dangerous, jump in head first, and sink or swim. My first foray into weaving on a multi-harness loom has followed that pattern. I tried to pick a project that wouldn't bore me but also wouldn't be so difficult that I'd get frustrated. This runner turned out to be a good first project for me. And I learned a lot.

There was only one really scary moment, when the warp decided to start untying itself from the warp beam before I was finished.  I managed to get it tied back on but had to unweave about 16 picks before I could get my fell line back to being almost even. It's not perfect but I am proud of it and will display it on my dining table. Now to think of what to weave next.

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