Sunday, October 16, 2011

Xingu (Brazilian Black Beer)

Geno is one of my pipe club buddies. If you met him, you would guess he was maybe of German or Scandinavian decent, with his fair skin and blonde hair. But you'd be wrong. This guy is fiercely Brazilian. And one of the nicest fellows you'll ever meet. At this month's meeting he gave us a 6-pack of Xingu to try. Yesterday, I was thirsty after my yard work and decided it was the perfect time to sample this beer. I had no idea what to expect. When poured into my glass, there was very little head on it (as you can see in the picture). The color is very dark and rather murky. I am in the habit of sniffing my beer before drinking it and there was no apparent scent. Time to taste. It was not what I was expecting. This beer is very sweet. With a bit of tang, and no hoppy bitterness at all. I could not taste (or feel) any alcohol. My verdict? A very pleasant, light, refreshing beer that you could enjoy all day. Easy to drink without being boring. Perfect for those who aren't fond of hops. It was a nice change from my usual "hop monsters".

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