Friday, October 28, 2011

That's A Surprise

I realized I wasn't going to have enough of the green yarn to weave a 2 yard runner. Time to switch to Plan B. I have some brown yarn in my stash that would work with the green and gold. I was going to use it and have green and brown stripes. But then I thought I'd put in some narrow stripes of gold for contrast between the darker stripes. I didn't think the design would show up using both a gold warp and weft. I was surprised when the texture actually became more defined using the solid color. I've changed my mind again and will keep the 2 original colors. 5" green stripes and 8" gold stripes. I was weaving along, trying various techniques to keep my selvedges neat and even. I was paying so much attention to that, I neglected to keep my beating even and began beating too hard.

Oh well. I'm not ripping this back anymore. This merino is much too sticky and wants to felt and knot with little provocation. I am accepting that my first project will not be perfect and reminding myself that it's to "learn" on. It will be a runner, topped with family photos. No one is going to inspect it closely. Let it go, Roxi. If you agonize over it too much, you'll never get it finished.

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