Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Road trip! We found out that a property we were interested in had a sale fail and is once again up for grabs. Whether or not this is a good thing remains to be seen.

The Good
It's in a gorgeous area. I think I could stand
to look at this scenery on a daily basis.

We ate lunch here, in nearby Randle, WA.
It may well be the only fast food joint in the area.
Check out that view in the distance.

This is a sparsely populated area. A big plus in my book. I am looking for a little homestead where I can live out the remainder of my years in peace. With just enough room for a greenhouse, some fruit trees, and critters. This is the pasture of the property we are interested in. Doesn't the husbeast look at home there?

My farmer man!

The Bad
This is the barn. It will definitely need some work.

The hen house.

Which you can't get to because of the blackberry bushes that are trying to take over the place. You can barely see the roof line. First order of business would be procuring some goats. A bonus? There are honey bees living in the wall of the hen house.

The outside of the house. Not too terrible.

The side entrance, into kitchen.

The Ugly
And I do mean ugly.
Now we venture indoors. First the kitchen.

The other end of the kitchen, looking into the living room.

The laundry room, off the kitchen.

The propane heat stove in living room.

The awful bathroom.

And the worst. The bedrooms.

They are the worst part of the house because the windows are basically just panes of glass set up there. And they leak. Must have been leaking for years. And there is dry rot in the floors under the windows.

There is very little, if any, value in the home. Each room will need to be gutted and redone. The plus is the small, square floor plan which would be easy to heat with a wood stove.

There are also many outbuildings, including a rather nicely built outhouse, but most of the other outbuildings will need massive work or be torn down. The garage isn't too bad.

I'm not sure we could get the price reduced enough to make this worth our while. We'll see.

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