Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yarn Tree In Bloom

My yarn tree has sprouted foliage. Now it doesn't look quite so pitiful. Most of this is 8/2 cotton, destined to become dishtowels. I have also ordered up a bit more, navy, dusty rose and pewter. I can see that I'll need to find a source for LOTS more white. With yarn prices going up this next month, I'm trying to get ahead of the game and stock up.

My fiber studio is still a chaotic mess. The husbeast has promised to help me bring some more shelving over, from the yarn shop, this Sunday. That should be a massive help. I've got so much stuff and no good place to store it.


  1. That is so cool and is just the neatest thing! I want one!!! :)

  2. Your hubby and dad are so handy. I bet they can build you an awesome yarn tree.

  3. Dropping in to say hi! Thanks for visiting my blog :}
