Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Birthday & Retirement To Me

Yesterday was one of the most enjoyable days of my life. It was my 52nd birthday and also the day I chose to announce my retirement from being a yarn shop owner. I threw a little party at the shop, on the pretense of celebrating my 12th anniversary in the business. But it turned out to be a surprise party, with my friends and customers being the ones surprised. Yes, there were some tears. But not from this girl. Do I look sad?

Wasn't that nice of Roxi to get Roxi a retirement cake?

After work my husband took me out for a delicious lobster dinner at the Lobster Shop. Then it was home to watch our prerecorded Ultimate Fighter and smoke my birthday cigar, a Padron 1964 Anniversary. Days just don't get much better than that. I got some great birthday swag, as well. My dear husband bought me this Merlot kit and showed his undying love by parting with his tin of Butera Kingfisher, which is my all time favorite tobacco and no longer available.

And I received some nice gifts from customers who are also my dear friends. Anny made me her fabulous Tiramisu and gave me a gift card to Macy's. And Pat gave me these canning jars because she knows I am always needing jelly jars.

I am a fortunate girl to have such a loving spouse and thoughtful friends. Life is good! Now on to the next stage. I will be selling my commercial building and purchasing our retirement property. Stay tuned!

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