Sunday, October 17, 2010

Frost On The Pumpkin

Woke up this morning to frost on the ground. I knew it was coming. There's been a chill in the air all week, in spite of the clear, sunny sky. I need to finish up the last bits of yard work, like mulching the garlic. Speaking of which, the hard neck garlic is sprouting.

This is my first year growing garlic, so I didn't know what to expect. The 2 containers of soft neck garlic aren't sending up any shoots. My yellow eyed grass babies are beginning to flower. A bit late, but pretty none the less.

Not a whole lot going on around here, this past week. I had my son Errol over for our Friday night "dinner & TV" and made him some fried rice.

And I'm getting psyched up about going to Ikea, next Sunday, to pick up my new kitchen base cabinet. It will go where the kitchen table is now, and the table and chairs will move into the living room area. No one ever sits at them, except on holidays, and I need this kitchen space for food prep.

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