Thursday, June 3, 2010

The "Bring Laverne & Shirley Home" Project

Just for fun, I am trying to sell off some excess "stuff" I have taking up space and use the money for a chicken tractor and chickens. I'll use this post to keep track of my progress, or lack thereof.

10 gallon tank and stand, $35.
22 skeins of Lion Brand Yarn, $20
Knitting Help, $15
Knitting Help, $10
3 plant starts, $4
Japanese Owl Mugs, $10 (6-7)
Raspberry canes, $12 (6-10)
Hand dyed roving, $10 (6-11)
Hand dyed yarn, $20 (6-12)
James Dean Doll, $5 (6-12)
10 gallon aquarium, $20 (6-14)
Old Lawn mower, $25 (6-14)
Felted Purse, $20 (6-15)
Total towards chickens = $206

(I probably need at least $250)

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