Monday, May 31, 2010

Bread & Sunshine

Memorial Day turned out to be enjoyable, after all. I am happy to report that the dough enhancer did, indeed, make a positive difference in the bread's taste and texture. Husband declared it the best whole wheat bread he's EVER had. And he doesn't give those types of compliments lightly.

While I was preparing the bread for baking, the sun decided to make an appearance. Once the bread was in the oven I quickly mowed the back yard. Who knows when I'll have the next opportunity? The forecast is for rain straight through till next Monday. My husband has a saying, "Never have more grass than your wife can mow". And then, just to make things interesting, he pruned the apple tree so the branches hang down very low. I have to stoop, or limbo, to mow under them. Thanks honey.

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